Prayer is at the heart of our life together at St Michael’s, as individuals and as a church family. We love praying together and individually for the local community, specific issues and the wider world.
There are a number of opportunities to pray during the week:
- After our Sunday services, people are available to offer a listening ear and can pray with you about whatever is on your heart or mind
- The church is open each day from morning to dusk for those who may want to the peace and space to pray in the church building.
- St Michaels’ has produced a ‘Prayer Walk’ leaflet available from inside the church that can be used to pray whilst taking a short walk around the churchyard.
- There are prayer meetings in people’s homes at different times in the week. Please see pew-sheet or e-mail us for details.
- There is a Prayer Circle at church who are committed to pray for those sick or struggling - prayer requests can be written in the book at the back of church.
- Our Home groups spend time when they meet each week praying for each other and the needs of others.
Prayer requests
If there's anything you'd like us to pray for, either with you or for you, please do let us know. There is also a prayer request book at the back of the church for written requests from the community – you don’t have to leave your name and all prayer requests are treated with confidence.