Junior Church
On a Sunday morning the children will always join the congregation for an initial time of all-age welcome and worship. After around 10 minutes they will leave the service to join in with age-appropriate activities within their Junior Church groups. These are:
Seeds (0 – nursery)
Seeds is our pre-school group, it provides an environment where children can have fun and play whilst gently beginning to learn some of the stories and key messages from the Bible.
Shoots (reception – school year 3)
Shoots supports children as they start to develop their own faith and want to know more about God. The children hear a Bible story then respond to this with a craft, game or activity. Lastly they will have some time of prayer together.
Roots (school years 4 to 8)
Our Roots group is a place where young people can build on their developing faith. It is discussion based, and generally starts with an ice breaker game, a Bible story and then some time to discuss and think about the topic that has been explored and how this is relevant to their lives.
On some Sundays…
Alongside our normal Junior Church sessions we also have regular Godly Play Sundays which use simple props as part of story-telling and Creative Junior Church where children are encouraged to try arts and crafts using different resources and materials. On these Sundays the children will look at a particular Bible story or theme.
On occasional Sundays (about once per half term) we have a shorter Altogether service where the children stay in church and the service content is tailored to be accessible and enjoyed by all. We don’t worry about noisy or energetic babies and toddlers, this service is for everyone!