Our tremendous 10 day prayer event ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ came to a close on Pentecost Sunday with a wonderful celebration service in church.  Activities had been happening throughout the previous week in and around the village and we sought to encourage everyone to use the ‘trypraying‘ booklet as a way to focus their thoughts and prayers during the week or even just to try pray for themselves.

The launch of our Hope… trypraying time was at the Ascension Day Service held at Brinkburn Priory.  The Bridge Singers led some of the singing at this service and excerpts of the music can be heard here.

Some of St Michaels Flower Team made up posies of flowers ready to place around the Parish for residents, visitors or people going about their daily business trip pick up and take home. They had the following message on them “ May these flowers bless you, bring you joy and help you to know you are loved. St Michaels Church Felton.

The church had been set up with special places where people could pray for themselves and others and with resources that were there to help explore prayer in new ways.

On Pentecost Sunday -as well as the service in church- the children listened to the account of that first Pentecost Day as recorded in Acts through a session of godly play in the bell tent outside. It even included flame decorated cakes!